for your company
for your company
Transforming routine tasks into streamlined processes,
powered by our workflow platform!

We should work on our process, not the outcome of our processes.
W. Edwards Deming
Leverage competitive advantages through automated company processes!
"If we neglect to document something, we cannot measure it. Without proper measurement, control becomes elusive. Effective management is unattainable without control, and consequently, sustainable development remains out of reach." - Recognizing this correlation is crucial for building companies primed for sustained expansion, and adaptable to any market scenario.
Well-coordinated business processes facilitate the efficient allocation of resources, task assignment and evaluation, substantial reduction of administrative overhead, and transparent company operations.

to fuel your organizational units' workflow efficiency
Financial operations? Optimized!
To stay ahead in today's fast-paced business world, especially in the finance area, organizations have to overcome their slow systems. xFLOWer provides the right platform to outpace any challenge.
Learn moreCustomer service needs? Automated!
Accelerated complaint and error handling with optimized processes, reduced customer service workload, and automated training - leading to contented customers and well-balanced staff.
Learn moreBack Office tasks? Organized!
Utilizing our xFLOWer platform, we streamline and automate business processes, leading to enhanced precision and swifter execution of core company operations.
Learn morewith the xFLOWer platform
Drawing on two decades of expertise, we have developed a framework
that simplifies the process of digitizing company operations.

Digitized processes
Through well-organized processes, we have the capability to digitize nearly the entire spectrum of company operations, ensuring they remain consistently updated.

Streamlined operation
With our assistance, the processes will not only function more efficiently but also contribute to the company's operation in the most cost-effective manner.

Automated tasks
Our numerous automation possibilities remove repetitive and laborious administrative tasks.

Unified IT systems
xFLOWer integrates the current IT solutions, providing a transparent interface for immediate visibility into company operations.

Industries where
xFLOWer has proven its effectiveness.
Regardless of the industry or organizational unit, xFLOWer empowers you to elevate your company's business processes across all domains!

Financial services
xFLOWer allows financial institutions to expedite their critical processes without the need for a complete overhaul of their IT infrastructure.
xFLOWer allows financial institutions to expedite their critical processes without the need for a complete overhaul of their IT infrastructure.
Learn more

Commercial sector
Digitalization and automation of administrative processes associated with both online and offline trade result in substantial resource savings and accelerated operations.
Digitalization and automation of administrative processes associated with both online and offline trade result in substantial resource savings and accelerated operations.
Learn more

Customer service, complaint handling, accounts receivable management, customer retention processes, support for complex construction projects - all in one place with the help of xFLOWer.
Customer service, complaint handling, accounts receivable management, customer retention processes, support for complex construction projects - all in one place with the help of xFLOWer.
Learn morexFLOWer has proven its efectiveness.
Regardless of the industry or organizational unit, xFLOWer empowers you to elevate your company's business processes across all domains!

Financial services
xFLOWer allows financial institutions to expedite their critical processes without the need for a complete overhaul of their IT infrastructure.
xFLOWer allows financial institutions to expedite their critical processes without the need for a complete overhaul of their IT infrastructure.

Commercial sector
Digitalization and automation of administrative processes associated with both online and offline trade result in substantial resource savings and accelerated operations.
Digitalization and automation of administrative processes associated with both online and offline trade result in substantial resource savings and accelerated operations.

Customer service, complaint handling, accounts receivable management, customer retention processes, support for compley construction projects - all in one place with the help of xFLOWer.
Customer service, complaint handling, accounts receivable management, customer retention processes, support for compley construction projects - all in one place with the help of xFLOWer.
BővebbenOur solutions are ready for immediate use.
Document management
Transparency, automated generation, archival, and version control - to highlight the key aspects.
Cloud-based ticketing accessible from anywhere at any time, resulting in significantly swifter business processes and satisfied customers.
In place of a disorganized approach, we introduce a cohesive system for managing customer relations and sales processes.
LEARN MOREAccount management
Automatically sent invoices, integrated with the invoicing system, featuring automated approval management.
LEARN MORELabour allocation
Automated processes enhance transparency and efficiency, replacing manual work time planning and distribution.
LEARN MOREResource management
Transparent accounting of expenses and resources enables instant project ROI assessment.
LEARN MOREGet inspired by our case studies!
Projektmenedzsment támogatás, dokumentumkezelés – p2m
Egységesített adminisztráció a Phoenix Pharmanál
1 We are also using older IT systems, would a complete infrastructure overhaul be required in the event of a change?
- While the xFLOWer platform currently offers numerous integration solutions, it also allows for the creation of new ones, eliminating the necessity for a complete restructure upon implementation.
2 Our existing workflow incorporates processes only to a limited extent. Could we also receive assistance with both design and implementation?
- Certainly! Our process analysis and construction experts also lend a helping hand in planning, digitization and automation.
3 If one of our processes changes, does updating it will involve additional improvements and costs?
- Utilizing our process editing module, any process can be effortlessly adjusted without the need for additional development. Furthermore, our experts are readily accessible to assist in modifying existing processes or creating new ones.
4 Is it necessary to manage your own server to operate the system?
- xFLOWer is a completely cloud-based application, accessible from any browser without incurring maintenance expenses. Additionally, we offer the option for our platform to function within your internal network, with the possibility of incorporating custom features in this setup.
Let's start your process-driven
transformation together!
+36 1 469 0001
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Let's start your process-driven
transformation together!
+36 1 469 0001

Próbálja ki interaktív játékunkat!
Rövid, mobil eszközökön elérhető játékunkban a Flow Industries vezetőjeként kell a lehető legoptimálisabb vállalatirányítási megoldást megtalálnia.
Maximum 3 perces történetünk segít rávilágítani a gyakorlatban legelterjedtebb módszerek előnyeire és hátrányaira.
Explore the functionality of our platform!
We are dedicated to employing digital solutions to reduce our environmental footprint and enhance the eco-friendliness and sustainability of our corporate operations, beyond just catchy slogans.
Studies indicate that environmental consciousness is assuming a more prominent role among employees, with several researches suggesting that this factor is considered when making job choices or transitions.
Médiamegjelenések és interjúk

A workflow úttörői címmel jelent meg ügyvezetőnkkel, Szederkényi Zsolttal készült interjú a Forbes hasábjain. “A káoszban rendet rakunk és ezt nagyon nagyra értékelik a döntéshozók. Mi nem úgy rakunk rendet, hogy közben átalakítjuk a céget (klasszikus ERP bevezetési filozófia, ami akár évekig is tarthat). Mi nem szervezetfejlesztők vagyunk, az egy másik szakma...”

Workflow = lowcode? Folyamatmodellező szoftverek üzleti lehetőségei – IT-Business konferencia
Hogyan segítik a folyamattámogató eszközök a vállalat automatizálását? Az üzleti és informatikai döntéshozókon egyre nagyobb a nyomás, hogy rövid idő alatt szabályozott és informatikailag is támogatott környeztet hozzanak létre. Nyílt üzleti titok, hogy szinte nem létezik olyan vállalati környezet, ahol ne lennének megkerülhetetlen Excel táblák és a hozzájuk kapcsoló kulcsemberek, amelyek sérülése

Csordás Imre és Szederkényi Zsolt ad javaslatokat arra, hogy miképp lehet egy szervezetben automatizálni! A cikkből kiderül, hogy nem kell ehhez nagy budget, minden cég üzleti folyamtok szerint épül fel, az ezek támogatásához szükséges eszközöket kell “csak” megfelelően alkalmazni.